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Environmental Booths - Eurostone Marbre et Granit inc.

environmental booths

Airex Industries conceived and implemented a special filtration, ventilation and dust collecting system for Eurostone Marbre et Granit Inc.’s head office in Montreal, Canada.

The environmental booth which is part of the dust collecting system is by far the most interesting part of the installation.

This system was praised by the IRSST [Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et sécurité du travail which roughly translates to Robert-Sauvé's research institute in work health and security]

Airex Industries was recently mentioned in two magazine articles. The first reference was made in the November issue of JIQ - Journal Industriel du Quebec and the second one was in 11th edition of Magazine Québec Entreprise. Simply click on the links if you’re interested in reading the articles. They are, unfortunately, both only available in French.

Eurostone Marbre et Granit Inc. article in JIQ - Journal Industriel du Quebec.

Eurostone Marbre et Granit Inc. article in Magazine Québec Entreprise.

environmental booths
filtration system
filtration system
environmental booth
booth eurostone

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Airex Industries est un fier membre en règle de Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).
Airex Industries is a proud member in good standing of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).