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When Decontaminating The Air Entitles You To Grants!

air decontamination grant

Most of Quebec’s industrial companies contribute to the Quebec government’s Green Fund. Do you have any idea how much you have paid into it since it was created in 2006?

The money in that fund goes towards many programs that seek to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). The good news is that a number of them can help you upgrade your facilities or establish new processes. So, these grants are a golden opportunity to recover the amounts that you pay into the Green Fund while also boosting your competitiveness!

Generous Programs For Your Projects

Whether it’s optimizing a process or developing a new production line, a number of industrial projects involve an air decontamination component. With our dust removal expertise and our knowledge of the programs, we can help you secure a grant for improving your plant’s energy efficiency. In other words, your dust removal activities could reduce your energy use, help reduce your GHG emissions and, thereby, entitle you to a grant!

Here’s an overview of three major programs available in Quebec for an existing industrial establishment.

Gaz Métro: Grant For Implementing Energy Efficiency Measures

  • For who? Current Gaz Métro clients operating in the commercial, institutional or industrial sector.
  • For what? Energy-saving measures that directly or indirectly impact natural gas use, provided that they are not intended to substitute or completely replace natural gas with another energy source.
  • Maximum amount: $100,000 per account number

Program website

Hydro Québec: Industrial Energy Efficiency Programs

  • For who? Any individual or corporation that owns, operates or occupies an eligible industrial site associated with the production of goods.
  • For what? Any project aiming for an annual reduction of at least 25,000 kWh of electricity and for which the investment recovery period is at least one year.
  • Two components: retrofit or electricity consumption analysis
  • Maximum amount: $2 million per project

Program website

Ministry Of Energy And Natural Resources: ÉcoPerformance Program

  • For who? Business clients that consume fossil fuels or use processes that generate fugitive GHG emissions
  • For what? Reducing fossil fuel use and increasing the energy efficiency of processes and buildings.
  • Two components: analysis and implementation
  • Maximum amount: $5 million per project

Program website

Airex Supports You For Maximum Benefits

It’s sometimes tough to sort out the various programs, determine if you’re eligible and carry out all the steps needed for obtaining financial assistance. To help you get as much as possible out of it, our team looks after the administration associated with applying for grants so that all you have to do is take care of the procedures!

  1. We come to your plant to understand your project.
  2. We prepare a decontamination proposal that includes an energy efficiency component that is eligible for grants.
  3. We manage the program-related administration steps for you.

Read our grant-related service offering

Airex has helped many companies reduce their GHG emissions by improving their energy efficiency. Contact our team to find out if your project can receive financial assistance!

Contact our team

air decontamination grant

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Toll Free: +1-800-263-2303

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Airex Industries est un fier membre en règle de Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).
Airex Industries is a proud member in good standing of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).