The AirexTube is available in four different configurations allowing a wide variety of uses. This versatility permits the Airextube to cover every need of the industry.
Single Compensation System (SC)
This unit has one motorized back-draught damper at the rear of the casing (damper X) that closes automatically when the unit stops operating to avoid any air infiltration. The fan and damper are operated by an on-off remote control if needed. This control can be easily interlocked with the evacuation fan controls.
Compensation and Mixing System (CM)
The CM unit is similar to the CS, except for a mixing damper (damper Y) on top of the casing. This second damper, controlled by a thermostat placed in the ducting, pre-mixes the air in the housing during cold weather. As in the CS model, the unit is supplied with an “on-off” switch.
Recirculation system (RS)
This model has a different function than the two others. It is used where air compensation is not required (ex. warehouses), but where the cost of heating can be lowered by using the stratification in top part of the building. The unit is provided with an opening (Z) at the bottom part of the housing. A recirculating duct must be used to bring the air from the floor level to the “Airextube”. The unit is supplied with a “on-off” switch.
Combined System (CR)
This model is provided with a damper (X) at the back and a damper (z) at the bottom of the casing. The unit has two functions : during the day, when the exhaust fans are working, it will act as an air compensation unit (CS); during the night and week ends, it functions as an air recirculation unit (RS). The unit is supplied with a three position remote control (compensation – off-recirculation).

Weather Hood (model CS, CM, CR)
Placed outside the building, it prevents water and snow from entering the unit. It is supplied with a bird screen; it can be provided with a mosquito net as an option.
Recirculating Duct (model RS, CR)
A recirculating duct of variable length, provided with a screen at the inlet can be ordered.
Emergency Thermostat (model CS, CM, CR)
A protection thermostat in the control box is available as an option. This thermostat stops the unit if the room temperature reaches 7°C (45°F) or less. It is used for protection in case of heating system break-down during weekends and holidays.