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Backward Wheel Industrial Blower

RXB & SXB Series

backward wheel industrial blower

The backward wheel industrial blower can be used for many types of applications but they are mostly typically employed for the displacement of air, for moving and conveying light materials and particulates.

The SXB Series industrial blower ranges in sizes from 12¼" to 44 ½" and includes a square housing and a backward inclined wheel. Various volumes, pressures and class’ are available. They are made of mild steel construction and are capable of up to 50 000 CFM, 15” H20, & 650°F

The RXB Series industrial blower ranges in sizes from 22¼" to 44 ½" and includes a Scroll type housing and a backward inclined wheel. Various volumes, pressures and class’ are available. They are made of mild steel construction and are capable of up to 50 000 CFM, 15” H20, & 650°F

How it Works

backward wheel industrial blower

A central shaft, about which a set of blades are connected to, is linked to and driven by a motor. Air is drawn into the fan near the shaft as the impeller rotates. As it turns, air is blown at right angles to the intake of the fan and is spun outwards to the outlet by deflection and centrifugal force.



Standard Characteristics

  • Backward inclined wheel
  • Mild steel industrial construction

Standard SXB

  • Standard sizes range from 12¼ to 44 ½”
  • Square housing
  • Capable of 50 000 CFM, 15” H20 & 650°F

Standard RXB

  • Standard sizes range from 22¼ to 44 ½”
  • Scroll type housing
  • Capable of 50 000 CFM, 15” H20 & 650°F


  • AMCA B Construction
  • Inlet screen
  • Shaft guard
  • Drain
  • Punched flanged inlet
  • Shaft cooler guard
  • Bolt-on inlet box
  • Punched flanged outlet
  • Shaft seal
  • Outlet damper
  • Unitary base
  • Extended grease fittings
  • Split housing
  • Belt guard
  • Access door

Selection Criteria

  • Model size
  • Shaft
  • Keyway size
  • Width, height and depth sizes for various parts of the blower
  • A/9 Max motor frame size


  • AMCA C construction
  • Solid backward inclined blades handle dusty and mildly corrosive airstreams
  • Rugged, continuously welded heavy steelplate construction.
  • Four-way gusset maintains structural stability regardless of motor location
  • Hyperbolic wheel cone optimizes smooth and stable airflow


sxb industrial blower specifications

SXB Series

Model SXB ∅ shaft Keyway size A
Ø ext.
N P  Q  U  W  X  Y* A/9 Max motor frame size 
12-1/4 1-3/16 NA ¼ X 1/8 NA 16-1/2 14-1/16 10 12-1/2 7 12 10-1/2 22-1/2 1-1/8 3-3/4 NA 22-5/8 NA 10-11/16 6-15/16 5-15/16 24-9/16 15-16 29-9/16 256
13-1/2 1-3/16 NA ¼ X 1/8 NA 18 15-3/8 11 13-3/4 7-9/16 13-1/4 11-1/2 24-3/4 1-1/8 3-3/4 NA 23-1/8 NA 11-3/4 7-5/8 6-7/16 26-7/8 1 30-7/8 256
15 1-3/16 NA ¼ X 1/8 NA 19-5/8 17-5/16 13 14-1/4 8-9/16 14-9/169 12-3/4 27-1/4 1-1/2 4-3/8 NA 25 NA 13-1/16 8-1/2 7-5/16 30-1/16 1-1/4 32-13/16 256
16-1/2 1-7/16 NA 3/8 X 3/16 NA 21-5/8 18-15/16 13 16-3/4 8-7/8 16-3/16 14 29-3/4 1-1/2 4-3/8 NA 25-15/16 NA 14-3/8 9-15/16 7-15/16 32-15/16 1-1/4 34-7/16 256
18-1/4 1-11/16 NA 3/8 X 3/16 NA 23-3/4 20-13/16 14-1/4 18-1/2 10-1/8 17-13/16 15-7/16 32-3/4 1-1/2 4-3/8 NA 29-3/16 NA 15-7/8 10-7/16 8-11/16 36-1/4 1-9/16 37-1/16 256
20 1-11/16 1-15/16 3/8 X 3/16 ½ X ¼ 25-11/16 22-5/8 15-1/2 20-3/8 10-7/8 19-7/16 17 35-7/8 1-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 30-9/16 31-11/16 17-3/8 11-3/8 9-7/16 39-5/8 1-11/16 38-7/8 286
22-1/4 1-11/16 2-3/16 3/8 X 3/16 ½ X ¼ 28-1/2 25 17 22-9/16 11-7/8 21-5/8 18-7/8 39-9/16 1-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 33-9/16 34-3/8 19-3/8 12-11/16 10-7/16 43-7/8 1-7/8 41-1/4 286
24-1/2 1-15/16 2-3/16 ½ X ¼ ½ X ¼ 30-3/8 27-3/8 18-1/2 24-13/16 12-7/8 23-13/16 20-3/4 43-5/16 1-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 34-9/16 35-3/8 21-5/16 14 11-3/8 48-1/8 2 43-5/8 286
27 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 33-13/16 30-1/2 20-1/4 27-1/4 14-1/2 26-1/4 22-7/8 47-1/2 2 4-1/2 4-1/2 38 38-15/16 23-1/2 15-3/8 12-3/4 53-3/8 2-1/4 46-3/4 286
30 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 37 33-11/16 22-1/4 30-1/4 15-384 29-3/16 25-5/16 52-1/2 2 5 4-1/2 39-15/16 40-1/4 26-1/8 17-1/8 14-1/16 59 2-9/16 49-15/16 286
33 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 40-3/8 36-7/8 24-1/2 33-3/16 17-1/16 32-1/16 27-5/8 57-11/16 2 5 5 43-1/4 44-1/16 28-3/4 18-7/8 15-3/8 64-1/2 2-13/16 53-1/8 286
36-1/2 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 40-5/8 40-9/16 27-1/2 36-11/16 18-9/16 35-7/16 30-11/16 64-3/16 2 5 5 44-3/4 45-9/16 31-3/4 18-1/4 16-7/8 71-1/4 3-1/8 56-13/16 286
40-1/4 NA 2-15/16 NA ¾ X 3/8 44-1/8 45 30-1/4 40-7/8 21 38-7/8 34-3/16 71-1/8 2-1/2 7 7 53-1/4 53-9/16 35 19-7/8 18-3/4 79-1/8 3-1/2 61-3/16 286
44-1/2 NA 3-3/16 NA ¾ X 3/8 48-7/8 49-1/2 33 45 21-7/8 43 37-3/4 78 2-1/2 7 7 55-1/16 55-7/8 38-11/16 25-3/8 20-5/8 87-3/16 3-7/8 65-11/16 286

rxb industrial blower specifications

RXB Series

Model RXB ∅ shaft Keyway size A

Ø ext.
B D E F G H J K L N P Q R S A/9 Max
motor frame
22-1/4 1-11/16 2-3/16 3/8 X 3/16 ½ X ¼ 28-1/2 25 17 22- 9/16 11-7/8 21-5/8 18-7/8 30-3/4 29 4-1/2 4-1/2 33-9/16 34-3/8 19-3/8 29 1-1/2 2 286
24-1/2 1-15/16 2-3/16 ½ X ¼ ½ X ¼ 30-3/8 27-3/8 18-1/2 24-13/16 12-7/8 23-13/16 20-3/4 33-1/4 29 4-1/2 4-1/2 34-9/16 35-3/8 21-5/16 29 1-1/2 2-3/8 286
27 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 33-13/16 30-1/2 20-1/4 27-1/4 14-1/2 26-1/4 22-7/8 36-1/2 30-5/8 4-1/2 4-1/2 38 38-15/16 23-1/2 31-5/8 1-3/4 2-3/8 286
30 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 37 33-11/16 22-1/4 30-1/4 15-384 29-3/16 25-5/16 39-5/8 31-3/16 5 4-1/2 39-15/16 40-1/4 26-1/8 34-13/16 1-3/4 2-5/8 286
33 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 40-3/8 36-7/8 24-1/2 33-3/16 17-1/16 32-1/16 27-5/8 43 32 5 5 43-1/4 44-1/16 28-3/4 36 1-3/4 2-15/16 286
36-1/2 2-3/16 2-7/16 ½ X ¼ 5/8 X 5/16 40-5/8 40-9/16 27-1/2 36-11/16 18-9/16 35-7/16 30-11/16 46-1/4 36-1/4 5 5 44-3/4 45-9/16 31-3/4 42-5/8 1-3/4 3-1/4 286
40-1/4 NA 2-15/16 NA ¾ X 3/8 44-1/8 45 30-1/4 40-7/8 21 38-7/8 34-3/16 55-1/4 35-9/16 7 7 53-1/4 53-9/16 35 32-15/16 2-1/2 3-9/16 286
44-1/2 NA 3-3/16 NA ¾ X 3/8 48-7/8 49-1/2 33 45 21-7/8 43 37-3/4 61 34-11/16 7 7 55-1/16 55-7/8 38-11/16 37 2-1/2 4 286



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Airex Industries is a proud member in good standing of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).