Indoors or Outdoors: Where To Put Your Dust Collector?
Do you need to consider installing or re-engineering a dust collection system? Since the location of your dust collector impacts both its design and the costs associated with designing and operating it, it’s best to really weigh...
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Is Hexavalent Chromium Present In Your Industry?
Do you remember the movie Erin Brockovich? Based on a real-life disaster starring Julia Roberts, the movie shows the ravages of a cancer-causing agent polluting the groundwater of the small town of Hinkley, California....
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Cylindrical Dust Collector: How Do You Tell the Various Models Apart?
Are you new to your company? Perhaps you’re not too familiar with your existing dust collection system (which is a good sign if everything has been running smoothly for some time)? If you want to do an intervention on your unit...
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2021, A Look Back at a Year of Big Changes
Plants sitting idle and then resuming full capacity, increased labour shortage, scarcity and fluctuation in the price of raw materials… The year 2021 was one of adaptation for most people! Rather than recap the obstacles encountered...
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Air Conditioning in Factories: the Future of Many Industries?
In the era of climate change, summers are warmer and more humid than ever. Heat waves are frequent, and periods of high heat drag on. This raises major issues concerning the general ventilation of factories, where the temperature...
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Practical Guide to Wet and Dry Dust Collectors – Part 2
In our last publication, we shared the basics of differentiating a dry dust collector from a wet one. Now it's time to go into greater detail on their respective advantages and disadvantages, in order to determine how they suit...
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Practical Guide to Wet and Dry Dust Collectors – Part 1
In your research, do you wonder what differentiates the various types of systems, especially wet and dry dust collectors? Here is an overview of the aspects that influence this choice. Based on the three major aerosol separation...
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Challenges of the Economic Recovery: Airex is Innovating and Adapting!
Good news: global markets are picking up steam and the economic recovery is coming faster than expected! Many companies are having to respond to new needs that emerged during the pandemic...
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Effectiveness of the Dust Collection System: Spotlight on Prevention
In our previous article, we laid the foundation for dust collection and air emissions issues. Since the performance of a dust collector depends on multiple factors, learn about our prevention advice to ensure it is effective...
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Air Emissions and Dust Collection: What You Need to Know!
Like many industries, your activities probably generate contaminants in the air. As you know, above a certain air release threshold, it is mandatory that you use a dust collector tailored to your processes and to the quantity...
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