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The Air Shower: The Safe Decontamination Solution

air shower

Despite repeated efforts by various stakeholders in industry and construction, occupational diseases related to dust and to the management of airborne fine particulate matter are still common.

A variety of equipment is available to minimize the amount of inhalable dust in the air. Unfortunately, one situation requiring contaminant removal is too often overlooked, especially when it comes to invisible dust: the situation of cleaning of work clothing.

Energy consumption: Put Your Systems on a Diet!

Christmas diner

With December comes the cold weather, holidays and above all, excess! To heck with budgets, diets, the gym... We give up our good habits for a month and pay the price in January! A few pounds too much or a few dollars less is not the end of the world, but when this laissez-faire approach is taken to the workplace, there are greater repercussions. Even if you can’t resist the temptations of the holiday season, you can still easily reduce energy consumption in your business. Find out how!

How the Mining Industry Can Improve its Energy Efficiency

mining industry

The mining industry is facing major sustainable development challenges. In addition to minimizing the air emissions it produces, it must make sure employees can work in a healthy environment. These issues fall squarely within AIREX’s area of expertise and that is why the audacious and latest technological innovations developed by our specialists can help mines significantly increase their energy efficiency.

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Airex Industries est un fier membre en règle de Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).
Airex Industries is a proud member in good standing of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).