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Cylindrical Dust Collector: How Do You Tell the Various Models Apart?

cylindrical dust collector

Are you new to your company? Perhaps you’re not too familiar with your existing dust collection system (which is a good sign if everything has been running smoothly for some time!)?

If you want to do an intervention on your unit, the first step is to identify the model to ensure that you take appropriate action. Demystify the various types of cylindrical dust collectors with our decision tree, perfect for guiding you in your diagnosis.

2021, A Look Back at a Year of Big Changes

Goodbye 2021

Plants sitting idle and then resuming full capacity, increased labour shortage, scarcity and fluctuation in the price of raw materials… The year 2021 was one of adaptation for most people!

Rather than recap the obstacles encountered, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the successes and accomplishments on your side of things. Halfway between a look behind the scenes and what 2022 has in store for us, check out our annual review. After all, our story is also about your successes!

Air Conditioning in Factories: the Future of Many Industries?

Air Conditioning in Factories

In the era of climate change, summers are warmer and more humid than ever. Heat waves are frequent, and periods of high heat drag on. This raises major issues concerning the general ventilation of factories, where the temperature rises dangerously.

Although the mercury has currently dropped, this is the ideal time to find solutions to this problem, especially in a context where delivery times are expected to increase. Find out why air conditioning is now a favourable option in an industrial setting.

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Airex Industries est un fier membre en règle de Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).
Airex Industries is a proud member in good standing of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).