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Manage Your Energy Use Intelligently

sustainable manufacturing facility

Ever since the industrial revolution of the 1950s, modernization has been considered the long-awaited salvation enabling manufacturers to substantially increase their productivity. Today, the pervasiveness of technology and electronics in industrial companies is becoming more pronounced at an unbridled pace. However, the introduction of various pieces of advanced equipment is also associated with an operating cost. In fact, manufacturing entities must now deal with the pressure caused by the rising cost of their energy use. That modern day challenge seriously threatens companies’ profit margin and, ultimately, their sustainability.

CNESST Interventions In The Metalworking Industry

report writing by cnesst inspector

As noted in an earlier article, in 2015, CNESST inspectors issued 838 intervention reports involving companies whose dust collection systems were found to be non-compliant. 239 of these reports dealt with companies in the metalworking industry. Following an access to information request, we have compiled data from the various reports, which revealed some interesting statistics.

Mobility And Welding Fume Extraction In The Work Place

welding in large working area

Extracting welding fumes can be a real headache when your machine shop has large work areas where the workers must continually move around to perform their tasks. However, there is a simple, effective solution for maintaining the air quality in your work environment, yet without breaking the bank.

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Airex Industries est un fier membre en règle de Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).
Airex Industries is a proud member in good standing of the Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec (CMMTQ).